Or Avi Guy

How did the latest Gaza War start? Despite the claims of some

How did the latest Gaza War start? Despite the claims of some, it is no mystery

July 17, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

Netanyahu's regional analysis

Netanyahu’s regional analysis

July 11, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

Why terminology matters in pursuit of a peace deal

June 24, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

Fatah Gloats: Kidnapping and Palestinian Discourse

Fatah Gloats: Kidnapping and Palestinian Discourse

June 18, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

Fatah officials also embrace rejectionism following unity deal with Hamas

Fatah officials also embrace rejectionism following unity deal with Hamas

May 19, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

Distortions of “lobby” role

May 16, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

Hamas’ response to Palestinian unity deal: Urging kids to “shoot all the Jews”

Hamas’ response to Palestinian unity deal: Urging kids to “shoot all the Jews”

May 12, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

Khamenei’s Holocaust denial exposes a larger problem of Iranian antisemitism

Khamenei’s Holocaust denial exposes a larger problem of Iranian antisemitism

April 3, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

The Ukrainian Jewish Community: Between a rock and a hard place

The Ukrainian Jewish Community: Between a rock and a hard place

March 5, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

'Moderation' screen hides reality of Iran

‘Moderation’ screen hides reality of Iran

February 5, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

Want peace in Syria? Work on reconciliation from day one

Want peace in Syria? Work on reconciliation from day one

January 15, 2014 | Or Avi Guy

The UN effectively gives up on Syria

The UN effectively gives up on Syria

December 9, 2013 | Or Avi Guy