Colin Rubenstein

US President Donald Trump inspecting troops on a visit to Israel.

Trump should encourage a more conciliatory Palestinian leadership

October 3, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

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Editorial: Refugees Forever?

September 20, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

Image: Shutterstock

Editorial: The Oslo Years

August 30, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

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Australia must face the new Iran reality

August 13, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

01 Australia Day Crowd Crowd With Flags Watching Parade

Letter: Multiculturalism makes core values stronger

August 8, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein


Myths and Facts about Israel’s controversial new Nation-State law

August 3, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

An Israeli Flag Is Seen Near The Dome Of The Rock, Located In Jerusalem's Old City On The Compound Known To Muslims As Noble Sanctuary And To Jews As Temple Mount

Editorial: Israel’s Nation-State law

July 31, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

Cartoon that appeared alongside this article in The Australian.

Time to rein in state with deadly intent

July 6, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

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Editorial: From Kim to Khamenei

June 26, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

Breaking The Silence: The AIJAC perspective

Breaking The Silence: The AIJAC perspective

May 31, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

Editorial: Tragedy and truth in Gaza

Editorial: Tragedy and truth in Gaza

May 30, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein

Israel defies the odds to flourish

Israel defies the odds to flourish

May 15, 2018 | Colin Rubenstein