Allon Lee

In 1949

In 1949, who wanted a Palestinian state? Only Israel!

October 12, 2011 | Allon Lee

PLO ambassador goes nuts in Brazil and calls for Israel's destruction

PLO ambassador goes nuts in Brazil and calls for Israel’s destruction

October 7, 2011 | Allon Lee

Palestinian state not necessarily open to Palestinian refugees

Palestinian state not necessarily open to Palestinian refugees

September 16, 2011 | Allon Lee

All you need to know about the Palestinian UN statehood campaign

All you need to know about the Palestinian UN statehood campaign

September 15, 2011 | Allon Lee

Media Week - Undiplomatic posting; Missing link still not found; No conversion for this Paul; Seeing red over Greens' BDS support

Media Week – Undiplomatic posting; Missing link still not found; No conversion for this Paul; Seeing red over Greens’ BDS support

September 15, 2011 | Allon Lee

Media Week – Five star hotel, one star article; Gymnast for Palestine; Palestinian UN-truths exposed

September 12, 2011 | Allon Lee

A No vote at the UN is a Yes vote for Israeli-Palestinian peace

A No vote at the UN is a Yes vote for Israeli-Palestinian peace

September 2, 2011 | Allon Lee

Speaking truth to anti-Israel stupidity

Speaking truth to anti-Israel stupidity

September 2, 2011 | Allon Lee

The blind spot empowering Palestinian rejectionism

The blind spot empowering Palestinian rejectionism

September 1, 2011 | Allon Lee

The good oil Saikal

The good oil Saikal

August 24, 2011 | Allon Lee

Sandstorm in an A

Sandstorm in an A, B, C, or is that a D-cup madam?

August 23, 2011 | Allon Lee

Bulldozing the truth about Jerusalem

Bulldozing the truth about Jerusalem

August 22, 2011 | Allon Lee