Ahron Shapiro

Oslo Accords signing ceremony in 1993 with then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (left), then US President Bill Clinton and former PLO leader Yasser Arafat

Move to recognise Palestine is premature and dangerous

June 21, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt (source: Wikimedia Commons/Julian Meehan)

On Israel and the Palestinians, Greens party like it’s 1947

June 14, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

BDS campaigners have shown themselves to be adept opportunists, including exploiting social media’s preferences for brief, emotive slogans (Image: Shutterstock)

Biblio File: Battling the Boycotters

May 4, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

Screenshot from a video of the Holy Fire ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on April 15, 2023 (Credit: Twitter)

Local reports on Holy Sepulchre flare-up omit key information

April 19, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

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Israel’s first 75 years: 15 Memorable Moments

March 31, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu (right) convenes his new cabinet. (Credit: PMO)

Who’s Who in Israel’s new Government

January 6, 2023 | Ahron Shapiro

Image: Roman Yanushevsky/ Shutterstock)

A deep dive into the Israeli election results

November 10, 2022 | Ahron Shapiro

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In Israel’s election, wasted votes were PM Lapid bloc’s undoing

November 4, 2022 | Ahron Shapiro


AIJAC’s Ahron Shapiro on ABC NewsRadio: ‘Personal security’ concerns motivated voters

November 2, 2022 | Ahron Shapiro


Terrorism impact a wildcard in Israeli elections

October 31, 2022 | Ahron Shapiro

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IDF: No Israeli involvement in Palestinian boy’s death

October 12, 2022 | Ahron Shapiro

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Israeli political parties shuffle the deck ahead of election season

August 19, 2022 | Ahron Shapiro