It’s Academic
Anti-Zionism in Australian academia By Ted Lapkin The...
Australia’s Israel Question: A matter for civilised debate or partisan? (2006)
By Alan H Goldberg AO The catalyst for...
Pro-Israel lobby: helping or hindering policy making?
Reporter: Tony Jones Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV PROGRAM...
Israel seen as an asset
Colin Rubenstein The Australian - 19 April 2006...
Essay: Breeding Ground
The strange mythology of antisemitism By Ted Lapkin...
Scribblings: Withholding Taxes, finally
Tzvi Fleischer Withholding Taxes, finally It was both...
Books: Rose Coloured Glasses
The Question of Zion, by Jacqueline Rose By...
Deconstruction Zone: The Hidden Meaning of Anti-Zionism
Ted Lapkin The Hidden Meaning of Anti-Zionism The...
DECONSTRUCTION ZONE: Can’t See the Heywood for the Trees
Ted Lapkin Can’t See The Heywood For The...
Books: War and Peace Prize
Jews and Australian Politics by Geoffrey Brahm Levey...